1864 год, а какие линии. Не говоря уж про точность и идею конструкции.
Impressive engineering
I can't to begin to comprehend how you would build something like this - the overflow at Torside Reservoir, constructed in 1864, well before laser spirit levels, the rim of this overflow is millimeter perfect the whole way around - the lake appears to have a wedge cut clean out of it. Im guessing there was a lot of one-upmanship between reservoir designers, as most of the reservoirs around this part of the peaks have a variety of impressive overflows like this - eg the ones at ladybower reservoir that look like whirlpools
on kazhetsia mertv
nu mozhet prosto vremenno vykluchili? sosednii s vodoi, snyato tem zhe avtorom
красота какая, только я не понял, где это, ы
Это, ханечка, водохранилище близ Манчестера. Соединенное, сталбыть, Королевство :)
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